Our History
Lee County Fire Control District Created
The origins of the Iona McGregor Fire Protection and Rescue District (IMFD or “the district”) date back to 1945 when House Bill 757 created the Lee County Fire Control District.
City of Fort Myers
Lee County provided fire service until 1962, when they began paying the City of Fort Myers for fire control service.
Volunteer Fire Dept & Rescue Squad Chartered
In April 1965, a volunteer fire department and rescue squad was created to meet the growing demand for service in the area known as Iona McGregor. In September 1965, the newly formed Iona McGregor Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad was officially chartered as a nonprofit Florida corporation.
1st Fire Station
By the end of 1970, a fire station was constructed and, just a year later, 24-hour service began when the first fully paid employee went on duty.
Voters Approve New Fire District
By the close of 1975, the district had grown in equipment and personnel, and voters had approved the Iona McGregor Fire Protection and Rescue Service District’s creation.
2nd Fire Station
In 1977, a second station was opened, and staffing grew by seven paid firefighters, a paid fire chief, a paid fire marshal, and a secretarial assistant.
Increased Growth & Funding
In 1983, voters approved a millage system for district funding. Growth in the district’s population and a subsequent increase in call volume led to increased staffing throughout the 1980s.
Third Station
In 1990, a third station opened with offices, maintenance facilities, and a fitness and training center. A fourth station opened in 2003, and a fifth opened in 2010.
Serving 80,000 Residents
Today, the 100 personnel of the IMFD provide fire, rescue, and emergency services from five stations to nearly 80,000 residents within a jurisdiction of approximately 42 square miles of land and more than 20 miles of shoreline and canals.